
Financial Wellness

Why it is important?

 Financial Wellness is central to your well-being. When you are experiencing financial stress it can create psychological stress which affects your physical health and well-being.

Achieving financial wellness is making smart decisions about your finances. My goal is to  empower you to make healthy financial decisions that supports your overall well-being.

The key to financial wellness is setting and reaching your financial goals to ensure a secure financial future. 

The goal is to provide you with the tools, resources, and support needed to make smart and successful financial decisions. 

Benefits of Financial Wellness:

  • Improve financial health
  • Reduce debt and save money
  • Plan for retirement
  • Improve your overall well being
  • Help to accomplish your goals 
  • Increase your net worth
  • Better financial security 
  • Achieve Financial Freedom
  • Reduce Stress 
  • Peace of Mind 


Financial Wellness Services:

  • Financial assessments
  • Budgeting
  • Money management
  • Financial Planning (establishing Financial Goals)
  • Building Savings
  • Debt Reduction/management (building credit)
  • Credit Score Management
  • Financial Literacy Workshop and Coaching
  • Investment/Retirement Planning
  • Smart Money Management for Millennial's

 **Referrals are available to some outside experts/resources**  


Your journey to Financial Wellness starts right now!