
Occupational Wellness

Why is it important?

 Occupational Wellness is the ability to find career or work that provides personal satisfaction.  It is an ongoing process of exploring various career options and finding the right fit. In doing so, you choose a career or work that is aligned with your interest, values, and beliefs. 

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important to achieving an optimal level of occupational wellness.  The most important aspect of occupational wellness is to pursue work that is motivating, satisfying, and rewarding. The way you feel about your work, career, or profession has a direct correlation to your overall well-being. My goal is to help you transform your career and find the right work-life balance.

 Benefits of Occupational Wellness:

  • Maintain a healthy work-life balance
  • Personal satisfaction about job or career
  • Feel more positive and optimistic about work
  • Feel more inspired and challenged 
  • Work toward your career goals 
  • More motivated about your work or career
  • Living your passion and purpose
  • Positive impact on your physical and emotional health
  • Reduce work and life stress 
  • Foster positive working relationships with others

Occupational Wellness Services:

  • Individual Career Counseling
  • Career Development & Exploration
  • Career Assessments 
  • Job Search Skills/Strategies/Coaching
  • Resume and Job Search-How to land a job in the digital age
  • Interview Coaching
  • Career Change/Career Transition 
  • College Choices/College Transition
  • Stress Management/Conflict Resolution
  • Workplace relationships and performance
  • Career Workshops/Seminars

  **Referrals are available to some outside experts/resources**   


Your journey to Occupational Wellness starts right now!